Happy Cyber Monday Deals!

What’s better than Black Friday?? CYBER MONDAY!!
I mean, I am not exactly a fan of pushing through crowds of sleep depraved, deal-hungry folks to snag a deal…especially when I can grab the same bargains from the comfort of my home with the click of a button on my laptop (hot cocoa in hand by the glow of our electric fireplace I might add).
Soooo, let’s do 20% OFF ANY GREETING CARD PURCHASE you make at my store this Cyber Monday!! Starting tonight at 12:00AM, use promo code CYBERDEAL20 to snag this deal from the comfort of your own home. You can access the Photo Greeting Card Gallery and store here: http://crawfordphotodesign.pixieset.com/greetingcards/
Annnnnnd, let’s do 40% OFF ANY 16×20 CANVAS GALLERY WRAP ARTWORK from the Fine Art Gallery (applies to both 0.75 or 1.5 inch borders). Now let me tell ya’ll about these awesome Canvas Gallery Wraps – they are high quality – printed on archival canvas and laminated, beautifully finished with a black matte backing, bumpers and saw tooth hangers for easy hanging,  AND (my favorite feature), they come with a SOLID back (aka, no floppy canvas that you might accidentally poke a hole through). So it’s not just a frame with a floppy canvas carelessly slapped on – I’m talking about a quality product that will last the long-hall as a piece of artwork (fool-proof, and even in some cases child-proof….or accident-prone adult proof which would be why I personally love them so much – Ha!). You can use promo code CANVAS40 at checkout for this one! Head to the Fine Art Gallery and store for the Canvas Gallery Wraps here: http://crawfordphotodesign.pixieset.com/fineartgallery/
Each code can be used one time per customer and will expire Monday night at 11:59PM.
Questions? Shoot me a message! I’ll be happy to help however I can!
Happy Cyber Monday shopping – now go get that cup of hot cocoa or coffee ready for all those great deals! 😉 
Laura D Crawford Photography & Design GREY-01

Photo Cards, VIP & More (Oh My!)

img_2566_squareI am beyond excited to officially announce that, not only do we have a little bundle of joy on the way (due in January), but I also have a series of Handmade Photo Cards & Press Cards on the way along with a few other fun ideas!

From a young age, I found that I loved to write! My Mom got me into writing to “PenPals” back in the good ol’ days of snail mail, and I found that I loved sending cards, letters, notes and stickers (LOTS of stickers…can you say Lisa Frank much??). I think at one point I had something like 15 pen pals! While my pen pal days may be over, I still love to write whether it be on cards to friends and family, journaling or blogging. So in this mish-mash of passions, I thought it’d be really fun to do a combination of two of my loves – photos + writing = Photo Cards (ta-da!!).

To start off, I’ll be offering Press Printed cards with an Autumn “Give Thanks” theme featuring some scripture that is near to my heart. Here’s a sneak peak of a few of them:


I’m also in the process of creating Handmade Photo Cards which will consist of metallic prints (I am in LOVE the metallic paper!) mounted onto cards with a hand stamped logo. Take a look:

My goal is to have these ready to roll for the holidays, so stay tuned!

On another exciting news front, be on the look out for a new Facebook Group VIP page that will feature sales, deals, giveaways, announcements and more! I think this will be the most effective way to communicate with you all when it comes to updates on my photo-crafting and design work since there are less limitations on FB via private groups. This way you can also receive instant notifications when I’ve got something new and exciting to share instead of having to scroll through the endless newsfeed to see updates.

And finally for the “And More” part of the post…I’ve recently gotten a lead on some professional grade indoor lighting equipment that I’m hoping to obtain in the near future. Who knows where that will lead!! I’ll keep you all posted!

In the meantime, stay warm and cozy, and enjoy this beautiful Fall weather!

With love,


Laura D Crawford Photography & Design GREY-01

Sabbatical In Progress: Baby Crawford On The Way!

I know it’s been a little while, BUT…we have some VERY exciting news that we’d like to share with you all…


As a result, I will be on an extended sabbatical from portrait photography, beginning August 1st, 2016. I plan on keeping up with my Fine Art Photography and Products as both time and energy allow. I’ve got a few ideas for some new products, which I’m excited to share with you all!! But that will happen as time permits 🙂

Our hearts are full out joy and thanks to our LORD and Father in Heaven, for His amazing love and grace in Christ, and for this amazing blessing He has provided us! God is good, and we are thrilled to take on this new adventure of parenting.

Don’t forget to stay tuned…I plan on cranking out some new things in the coming months – just taking a break from portraiture for the time being. 

Thank you all for your love and support!

Blessings to you all,

Laura & Jed Crawford

Jonah & Julia’s Engagement

Oh these two just make me smile!

What a pleasure it was to do our niece and nephew-to-be, Julia & Jonah’s engagement photos. The love they have for one another was so evident in their demeanor that it was impossible not to capture it! Their laughter and joy (even their goofiness) only further proved that they are truly a match made in Heaven by the Lord – a pairing made to glorify God and reflect the Gospel.

It makes me think in particular about the way the Apostle Paul described the purpose of marriage in Ephesians 5:25-27, 31-32 – to be a reflection of Christ’s relationship to His church:

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish…Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.

Julia & Jonah, it was my true pleasure to take your engagement photos. I’m looking forward to our photo shoots in the future, and cannot wait to see you both united in marriage in 2017! What a blessing you both are, and I pray your relationship will continue to grow and be founded on the precious truth of God’s word – in Jesus!

Check out some of my favorite photos from Jonah and Julia’s shoot below, including a couple Word Art photos. : )

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Carroll County Countryside: New Photo Shoot Location!

It’s all about the location…And indeed, this is a true beauty!

Through some friend-connections, I made contact with the owners of this beautifully restored early 20th century barn, accompanied by an “arch barn” which was built in 1790! Not only was the owner generous enough to let me come out and scout the location, but he has agreed to let me use his facility for future photo shoots anytime I’d like. Woohoo! Needless to say, I am incredibly grateful for this amazing opportunity, and I’m just itching to get back up there with some folks for a session.

One of my favorite things about this location is that while it is bright, colorful and obviously well-cared for, it still maintains its rustic charm through carefully placed relics. From the classic, farm-yard FORD pickup truck, down to the weathered wood and hanging party lights, this makes for the perfect photo shoot location!

Have a look, and let me know if you’d like to book a session with me here!

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Winters End at Cunningham Falls


It was time to get OUT! Out of the house, out of the cold, damp, misery of winter, and into some adventuring in the beautiful sunshine. Finally, winters end is in sight!

Last Saturday brought the most gorgeous, sun-soaked day since this past, well, probably December given the unseasonably warm weather we had then. We were so ready for it! We jumped in our car, and traveled west to an outdoor location we had been wanting to explore since we moved east: Cunningham Falls State Park in Frederick County, MD.

We had attempted a fun, adventure-packed trip to said park this past fall, but my poor Jed came down with a nasty cold/flu bug the night we drove up to go camping. He was a real trooper and stuck the night out…but sleeping on the cold, hard ground in freezing temperatures with a raw throat, runny nose and feeling like someone plowed you over with a two ton semi truck does not make for an enjoyable camping experience (memorable maybe, but definitely not enjoyable). Needless to say, neither of us slept well (or at all in Jed’s case), so we decided to pack up camp as soon as we got up the next morning and save the exploring for another day.

And that day finally came at the perfect time – just when we needed a real break from the yuck of the winter blah. We were both relieved to soak up the sun and breath in that fresh, nearly-spring air. Jed even convinced me to go log-hopping across a couple streams, camera and all.

To celebrate winter melting away, here’s a few shots from the day. I’ve also added a couple of these to the site to be purchased as prints and/or digital downloads under “Cunningham Falls.” You can view and purchase them here: Fine Art Gallery.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy!


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Photo below by Jed Crawford – nice shot babe!!

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Winter is finally melting away!!

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Another awesome shot by Jed:

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Some funky lichen on the rock…also by Jed (love his eye for details!):

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Andy & Karen

When you have a little sister, you play together; you fight over silly things together; you laugh together until you cry (or pee your pants); go shopping together; make messes in the kitchen together; have crazy sleepovers and stay up all night giggling and eating cookie dough together; and of course, you dream about your future husbands together. My sister and I have been doing all of the above for many years – we especially dreamed about finding our “prince charmings” (or Legolas Greenleaf and Kili from the Hobbit in our cases). Just a year and a half ago, I married mine (yay!!), and I now have the pleasure of watching my sister grow in love with the man of her dreams.

Andy_Karen181 copyWhen the right guy finally comes along, it is a true JOY to watch your sister grow in love, and especially to see her faith as a Christian mature as she embarks on a new journey with a Spiritual Leader like Andy. I always knew God would have a very special and unique man for Karen, and Andy has proven to be just that! They are like two peas in a pod, and their love for one another shines in their beaming smiles and glowing countenances.

Of course, I couldn’t let them get away over the break without taking some fun photos 🙂 I actually ended up using them as models for some test shots with my flash for the day, and we had so much fun! Here are some of my favorites from the afternoon – Thank you Karen & Andy!!! I had such a blast hanging out with you two, and I can’t wait to see what the Lord holds in store for your future together. Love you both!!

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#Blizzard2016 + Sale!

It’s finally here…SNOW!!!
*cue White Christmas “SNOW” song*


I am LOVING this weather!!! It reminds me of being a kid, livin’ it up in the good ol’ Garrett County winters – making forts and mazes, jumping off the roof into three feet of snow, building a magnificent ‘jump’ and getting so much air on the snow tube that we could actually make the landing on our feet, snow ball battles, hot cocoa and soooo many laughs (there were probably some tears in there when we got smacked in the face with an ice ball…but I’m choosing to focus on the happy memories)!

So needless to say, I am all kinds of giddy this weekend at the prospect of 2+ feet during this blizzard! Not only does it mean snowball fights, snow angels and snowmen, but it also means more time for me to work on developing my business plans, and getting myself out there. Woohoo!

That being said, I’ve decided it’s time for a S-A-L-E! See below for all the details, but basically, if you’re looking for some fun, photography-type artwork, or you just had photos taken and want some large prints, now’s the time to act! Please feel free to contact me with any questions (crawfordphotodesign@gmail.com).

And last but not least – make the most of this snow storm! Get out there and have some serious FUN like never before. And hey – trudging through 2+ feet of snow is great exercise (and subsequently a good way to stick to those new years resolutions). So get out there and LIVE IT UP!!! 🙂

Your snow-lovin’ photographer friend,


Blizzard Blowout 16x20s


Tom & Erin: A New Year Wedding

New Years Day this year brought many exciting things: our first real “cold snap” since early December, subsequently the first snow flurries of the year, and the chance to celebrate a brand new beginning: Tom & Erin’s lives together as Mr. & Mrs. Neal!


“‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”
Ephesians 5:31-33



But, I believe it’s time for a little real-life confession…

For a long time, I have been terrified of shooting a wedding from start to finish.

There! I said it…

I was afraid that I would miss the big moments – the moments in someone’s special day that simply cannot be recreated. The procession of the bridesmaids, the first look at the bride, the first kiss, the ring exchange, the cake cutting….ahhh! So many important moments that I could possibly miss, or worse, capture in a blurry photo.


BUT…and that’s a big but (cue real-life confession #2)…

I had one of the most fun, incredibly joyous days capturing Tom & Erin’s wedding – much more than I ever dreamed! Maybe it was because I can remember when Tom and Erin first started dating, which was just a few short months after my husband and I did. Perhaps it was those times that Erin and I commiserated together about wanting to be engaged and how much we just wanted to get married. It could have been our sweet hang out time, discussing theology and just sharing in life together as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Or maybe, still, it was the excitement of watching two friend’s  lives come together on the foundation of that which matters most: the Gospel of Christ crucified for sinners.

I believe it was a combination of all of those factors, because the “what if I miss the shot” turned into “how can I make this shot?”  which then transformed into, “how can I make this shot fun, awesome, and memorable?”.


It was my true pleasure and joy to take these photos. Thank you Tom & Erin for letting me be a part of your amazing day! I am blessed to know you both, and I wish you all the best on your journey in marriage as your lives and relationship reflect Christ in His self-sacrificing love and forgiveness, and His bride, the church, in her relentless love for her Savior.

Finally, I hope you enjoy your photos as much as I enjoyed taking them for you!! I tried to capture your joy, and celebration in each moment.

Friends and family of Tom & Erin, you may purchase images (prints or digital downloads) by clicking on the button below.

Please note, all photos are copyright images, property of Laura Crawford & Laura D Crawford Photography & Design, and are not to be copied, printed or shared on social media without having purchased the image. Thank you!

View/Purchase Tom & Erin’s Wedding Photos Here!

Waiting for the Opportune Moment


The wait is over…

I’ve been eyeing up this gorgeous little tree, placed oh-so-perfectly in the middle of a farmer’s field, for several months just waiting for the opportune moment. And it finally came!

I spied this beauty a few months back on my way home from dropping my husband off at work. I was instantly (a little) jealous that he got to see this view everyday on his commute. I wondered what this little tree would look when it adorned it’s fall colors. So I waited, and watched: every chance I got to drive down to Cockeysville, I’d purposefully go by this field to see if the time had come.

And finally, one damp, cool afternoon, it arrived! I soaked it all in and enjoyed every second – thirty minutes, a couple soaked shoes, and a few chilly fingers later, I hiked back to my car triumphantly! Not only did I get some great shots of this scene which I had been picturing in my head for weeks, but I also managed to capture a few other delicious tid-bits of the dew-laden leaves. Success.

And now the best part: I get to share them with the world so you can enjoy them too!

You can now find these, and other, fine art prints available at my store!
Just go to my Fine Art Gallery, and you can purchase digital downloads or prints.

Happy Fall! Soak it in before the snow flies 🙂