#Blizzard2016 + Sale!

It’s finally here…SNOW!!!
*cue White Christmas “SNOW” song*


I am LOVING this weather!!! It reminds me of being a kid, livin’ it up in the good ol’ Garrett County winters – making forts and mazes, jumping off the roof into three feet of snow, building a magnificent ‘jump’ and getting so much air on the snow tube that we could actually make the landing on our feet, snow ball battles, hot cocoa and soooo many laughs (there were probably some tears in there when we got smacked in the face with an ice ball…but I’m choosing to focus on the happy memories)!

So needless to say, I am all kinds of giddy this weekend at the prospect of 2+ feet during this blizzard! Not only does it mean snowball fights, snow angels and snowmen, but it also means more time for me to work on developing my business plans, and getting myself out there. Woohoo!

That being said, I’ve decided it’s time for a S-A-L-E! See below for all the details, but basically, if you’re looking for some fun, photography-type artwork, or you just had photos taken and want some large prints, now’s the time to act! Please feel free to contact me with any questions (crawfordphotodesign@gmail.com).

And last but not least – make the most of this snow storm! Get out there and have some serious FUN like never before. And hey – trudging through 2+ feet of snow is great exercise (and subsequently a good way to stick to those new years resolutions). So get out there and LIVE IT UP!!! 🙂

Your snow-lovin’ photographer friend,


Blizzard Blowout 16x20s